I know a lot of you don’t believe it but men are simple creatures and super easy to deal with. But to most men, women are mysterious, alluring and sweet smelling creatures prone to pampering and being pampered and the perfect counterbalance to the brashness that exists in our masculine selves.
Men also love the fact that women have quirky little habits that make them very alluring and mystifying. A few of the top habits that men love include the following-

I’ve yet to find a man who does not like lingerie. Lingerie can make any plain-Jane seem exotic and attractive. So, in order to keep your man interested, all you have to do is have a great and constantly changing closet full of lingerie.
Try to keep up with trends but choose styles that are comfortable and easy to wear. Lingerie can work to titillate your man and it makes you feel great as well. Ensure that you buy materials that will last and which can be cleaned quickly. They should also be easy to remove.
Don’t buy beautiful but complicated underwear which will not provide support. Lingerie is expensive and you should be able to wear it comfortably once in a while to get its worth.
If you are shy, start with pretty camisoles and boy shorts and then progress to babydolls and teddies. This is a habit that every man will enjoy, that findgirlsdating.com guarantee.
Drinking his brew and relaxing with him
Men like to relax with a drink in their hands but at the same time, they want their woman with them. Girlfriends who can sit silently with their men while sipping a beer can be a real attraction for men.
However, it is really difficult for some ladies to not try and fill the silence with words. If you feel that your man is irritated or annoyed with something, give him his space and hand him his favorite brew.
Sit down with him and relax and sooner or later, he will relax enough to tell you about his problems.
Being sleek and minimal
Women and men tend to get sloppy in relationships. They tend to let themselves go and this reflects in bad dressing, dirty clothes, and sloppy hygiene etc.
Girlfriends who have managed to keep their cleaning and washing rituals up to date and secret from their men are more likely to be appreciated.
Men don’t really like their bathrooms cluttered with makeup, cleansers, tampons and bits and pieces of female hygiene. You might need your day to day cleansing and make up stuff. Get a bag and stuff it into it and remove it into a drawer when not required.
Working out with him
If your man has a workout regimen, try to join him. Men love being asked for advice and they will usually try to solve your problems for you. What you can do is ask him for a workout regimen that will work for you and then follow it to the tee.
Taking his advice and following it just shows that you value his help and it will keep you in great shape so you can look great in that lingerie you bought earlier.
Cooking for him
Everyone loves to be pampered and that goes double for men. When you cook for him, it brings back memories of mothers cooking for their children.
Find out his favorite food and try to cook it for him. Better yet, cook together as a couple. Pop open a bottle of wine (or five) and cook up an awesome meal together. He might already be your boyfriend but he will become a husband when you feed the brains out of him.
Protect Him
Surprised to find this sex tip on the list? It’s supposed to be the other way around isn’t it? Culture has conditioned us to expect that women are the ones who need protection but the truth is that men need protection too.
If he has had a tough day, a smile and hug protects him from tomorrow. Caring for him and listening to him protects his mental state and feeding him protects his body.
Women can be a mystifying species for most men but it is a real adventure to try and understand them. If it were easy to figure women out, then how would they hold any interest anymore? Stay mysterious and please don’t forget to subscribe!!