It’s no secret that women need a little extra time to get turned on than men do. It’s also no secret that women often complain that men don’t spend enough on foreplay. These sex tips are all about the foreplay and made to help you get her primed for the main course. Men, sex tips aren’t just a fun read; these are actually meant to make you the kind of lover that she’ll brag to her friends about, so read on and pay attention because your sex life is about to get a whole lot more rewarding!

It almost seems that a guy’s lips stop working once all the blood leaves their head and makes its way down to his pants because the good passionate kissing stops and he starts to focus all his attention on rubbing her up to get what he wants. A woman wants to be kissed, whether she’s your girlfriend, wife, or a friend with benefits. Kissing her makes her feel the connection that most women need in order to get really aroused so use your lips and kiss her. Kiss her lips, her neck, her earlobes, and all of the other often neglected bits before you head to the usual spots. The feel of your lips on her skin when you take the time to linger a little longer can be all she needs to be ready for sex.
Talk to Her
Women like to talk—big surprise, right? So it’s no surprise that talking to her when you’re getting down and dirty is a major turn on and a big part of foreplay. Unlike a lot of the other findgirlsdating sex tips for me that you’ve likely come across; you don’t need to recite some romantic sonnet or engage in the kind of dirty talk you see on TV.
What you should do is make the effort to let her know how sexy she is, how hot she looks and have good she’s making you feel. Your words are a turn-on in bed so use them to get her worked up. And you know all those sex tips men give about saying her name? They’re actually true! She’ll love hearing you say her name while you’re getting all hot and heavy just as much as you do. Just remember to say the right name!
The Ultimate Oral Sex Technique
Oral sex is a huge part of foreplay and one that you can’t really mess up, but having the right technique can actually take foreplay to another level, leaving you to reap the rewards and her gratitude every time you use said technique! The first of the oral sex tips is to remember that oral sex isn’t just about the clitoris, but also the labia, inner thighs and even the buttocks. Give all of those areas a little attention by caressing her and teasing the skin with your breath, lips, and tongue. Take your time and when you sense that she’s ready—and she will make it known with her body language—focus your attention on her clit.
Pull her lips apart to expose her clitoris and take it between your forefinger and middle finger. Then, gently rub it between your fingers and tug on it very lightly. Think of her clit as a little penis that you’re going to jerk off and begin moving the two fingers up and down with the clit in between. Do this a few times before leaning in for a kiss, and then another and another before you start working her clit with your tongue. It won’t take much tongue action before she’s ready to explode!