Using free dating sites certainly has its advantages. For one, it’s free! How sweet is that (if you find the right one, obviously)? Next, it’s easy to create a profile and browse all different types of singles. But in order to find your match, you still have to play the game, so to speak.
For all the guys out there using free dating sites, you should know of a few rules to stick to. Sure, you can freelance it if you want, but don’t be surprised if you have a tough time finding results. Take it from the guys who have been there and done that – you want to use a few simple rules.
Rules for free dating
Types are bad
Look, nobody’s saying that you can’t be picky and choosy once you actually meet someone. But when you’re just trying to get to know people, it’s important that you reach out to a wide range of women. If you keep a set “type” in mind, that particular type is only going to polarise your view and that type will eventually become impossible to find – it will be an idea you’ve created.
Chivalry is in
Minding your manners, being gentlemanly (you probably didn’t even know that was a word!), treating her like a princess, cutting out those dirty jokes – these are great dating rules to live by. Don’t be a jerk; don’t be loose with your conversation. Be cordial and show respect. You wouldn’t want to chase anyone away.
Past Accomplishments Suck
Girls have a bad habit of dropping lines about their exes. Yeah, guys hate this. But it’s even worse on a potential relationship when guys speak about their ex-girlfriends. When girls do it, guys figure she’s just dropping a hint about how she wants you to act. When guys do it, girls assume you’ll be stopping by later to sleep with her.
Positive Promotion
Every single girl you meet online is going to show some duality in a sense. She’ll have her good qualities, and she’ll have her bad qualities. Like the song says, you have to accentuate the positive. You won’t have to eliminate the negative, but don’t dwell on anything that’s not flattering. If it’s too negative, you should be running away anyway.