There is a pervading belief that will only cater to members who are having extramarital affairs and in the beginning, that may have been true. Today, however, we have a strong base of singles on the site and more than that, we have a growing community of members who are a couple sharing the same profile to get a threesome on the site. These swingers come to the site because they know that there won’t be the judgment that they might face on other dating websites simply by being open about their sexual needs. They also know that if they are looking to find people who are in other relationships already then they can trust these people to be discreet.

So what do you do if you’re a couple who is looking for a threesome? As with most things, you’ve got to be honest.
There’s nothing that can be gained from hiding that you’re a couple looking for a threesome on the site and you’ll tend to alienate people as well as waste both their and your time. One of the most important things to do when you’re looking to have a threesome is to specify what type of threesome it is that you’re looking for. There are so many types and people might not understand the language of a threesome, so your best bet is to state very clearly what it is that you’re looking for without relying on the jargon. The anagrams that are used for sex terms and threesomes were originally conceived to save space when creating Lonely Hearts Ads and as such, are not needed when you have a profile on the internet which doesn’t have a word limit.
So here are a few things that you should keep in mind when you’re writing a profile as a couple that is looking for an affair partner for a threesome.
1. You’re going to want to be very honest about what you’re looking for. Whether you’re looking for another male for your threesome or another female, you need to explain not only what kind of partner you’re looking for, but also what type of activity you plan to do. Are you okay with males touching males? Are you looking for another woman so you can both lavish attention on the male or are you looking for another woman so attention can be lavished on the female? Being upfront about the exact scenario you had in mind (without being vulgar since that can be a turn off) will save you a lot of frustration in the end.
2. You need to remember that the profile is for two people. Make sure that both of you have looked over the profile and approved its content. If there is something that only applies to one partner, makes sure that you state it. Some couples like threesomes with other men, but the husband doesn’t want to be touched by a male. You need to be very clear with this as it will help to set the tone for the encounters that you have with married people. You also need to make sure that you describe both your personalities and physical features evenly. Don’t focus on one partner over the other or again, you could run into some confusion later.
3. Both of you should respond to the messages. It’s easy to get over-excited and want to respond on your own, but since this profile involves two people both should always be involved when communicating with the members. This will allow the people who are looking for extramarital threesome affairs to get a feeling for both of you not just as people, but how you interact as a couple.
Threesomes can take a lot of work, but if you find the right partners then you’re going to have the best time of your life. Just remember that communication is key when it comes to threesomes and that without any communication, you’re going to find yourself in a disappointing mess if you’re not careful.